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Game News: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

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Funny News: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

February 10, 2006: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

UK developer Splash Damage is a pioneer in multiplayer gaming, even if most of the thousands of online FPS players have never heard of them. These are the guys that developed the multiplayer portion of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, the Activision title that was released for free a few years ago. Activision pulled a wonderful PR move in releasing this as a stand-alone game, and it's been a favorite of many FPS gamers since.

Now, Splash Damage is getting their chance to make their own multiplayer game that's not just intended to be tacked onto something else. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars combines Splash Damage's unique brand of FPS action with the sci-fi world of Quake to make something that's truly unique. The team at Splash Damage is still largely a bunch of modmakers without true retail game experience.

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