Wolfenstein is being created for simultaneous release on the PC, PS3, and 360 - previously, id as well as other PC-centric developers have moved away from their home platform and towards consoles, citing piracy as well as difficulty with sales overall as the reason. Some thought that meant that id was abandoning the PC altogether or intended on tossing together a sloppy console-like port as an afterthought, but if Wolfenstein is the standard that they're setting for themselves, I don't think we have much to worry about. id's own Kevin Cloud said that his home platform is still the PC and his playtesting sessions with this game take place on PC. For the demo I saw it on the 360, but Raven's Eric Biessman said that they could have brought the PC version too except that they didn't feel like bringing a gaming-based desktop PC with them on the plane, and that the 360 is more portable in that regard.
pressed on, though, and asked about the game engine - it's based originally on the Quake 4 engine but in the four years since that was released, Raven's changed the engine enough for Wolfenstein that it's pretty much separate technology by now. I also expressed doubts about what kind of a PC release we'd get when consoles have to be...>>
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Mario Hoops 3-on-3 Reviewed (Nintendo DS) FunnyGames, October 1, 2006Finding new sports for
Mario Bros to take up is getting seriously tricky. Let's see what out favorite Italian stereotype has left to play, shall we? How about "Mario Angling"? That might be fun, but we'll save that one for the Wii-mote. "Donkey Kong Zorbing"? Nah, too much like Super Monkey Ball. Ok, got it: "Princess Peach Buzkashi Party". See how the word "party" makes it all seem more fun and accessible? ...
...One last problem in the presentation is how much time
Super Mario Hoops spends in transition after every basket. It takes a while to load and skip replays, bogging down otherwise quick gameplay. After you've waited through your hundredth highlight, you'll want to just be able to turn replays off. And hey! Guess what? You can't.
But you can always turn on the "rent" option.
Super Mario Bros Hoops is a decent, little game that's a bit too decent and way too little. It's good for a laugh or two, but it fails to capture the fast-paced fun factor of previous Mario sports titles.
Super Mario Bros Caber Toss, here I come!
Read complete Mario Hoops review at:
Halo 3 Co-op Game Details FunnyGames, September 4, 2007Do you like co-op gameplay? How about four-player co-op? Even better four player co-op featuring Master Chief, the Arbiter and two brand new Elite characters? Because that's what you'll be able to do over Xbox Live when Halo 3 ships on September 25...
...Four player co-op. Will it push the medium of gaming forward? Probably not. Will Live servers be bogged down under the onslaught of gamers signing on to take advantage of the new feature? Absolutely. Screw innovation; four player co-op is a masterstroke for Bungie. After the dismal mess which was Halo 2's online component, the developer has turned completely around and realized what the games fanbase truly wants. More. Online action...
Read full review at:
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