...Quake Wars takes the Earth vs Strogg conflict seen in the second and fourth Quake games and fills out the backstory. While those previous games had you taking on the Strogg on their own planet, this one goes back to when the Strogg first invaded Earth. Now, for the first time, you'll play as a full-on Strogg soldier or as a GDF defender and will battle it out for control of the planet...
...The game is being created by UK developer Splash Damage under the watchful eye of id Software; previously, Splash Damage was simply a mod team, but later on they got the chance put together the multiplayer mode for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and then created the very popular free online shooter Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. If you've played the latter game, then you know what you're in store for with Quake Wars. You see, unlike most multiplayer FPS games, Splash Damage hates the idea of having the exact same gameplay on...
More Funny Games News
Texas Hold'Em Poker Review FunnyGames, September 11, 2006Now that many real-money online poker sites are starting to close due to federal legislation, many gamers are deciding whether they're in it for the money, or for the thrill of poker itself. The most popular form of poker nowadays is Texas Hold 'Em, and video games and TV shows basedon it are everywhere. And the Xbox 360 can be put on the list of platforms with a Hold 'Em game - Tikgames' Texas Hold 'Em for the Live Arcade has just launched on Microsoft's powerhouse console, and while you'll find the graphics to be anything but impressive, the online play is better. But how much better?...
...Online is where it's at for this game, but this still winds up being nothing like a real poker game at a real table. Sure, the chat system over your headset works for all players at all times, but you're still missing one of three main tools a poker player needs to win: the math, the betting habits of his opponents, and the "tells" those opponents give. Sure, you can use the first two, but just like any online poker game, it's not as much fun without the poker face...
Read full Texas Hold'Em Poker review at:
Xbox Live Arcade Update FunnyGames, February 27, 2007It has been weeks since anyone's paid attention to Xbox Live Arcade. Unless you're a hardcore fan of twenty-year-old remakes or add-on packs for expensive puzzle games, there's not been a whole lot to keep you occupied. Since Heavy Weapon, consider the release list the service has seen: Ms Pac-Man, Lumines Live Puzzle/Mission pack, Nothing, Root Beer Tapper, Paperboy, Nada. Not exactly gangbusters for Microsoft...
...This week MS announced several upcoming titles to assure that Xbox Live Arcade won't be quiet forever. EA is supporting the service with a new Wing Commander game and a rhythm game called Boom Boom Rocket. There's also the much anticipated release of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and the rumored release of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game...
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